IndianaMUN’s inaugural conference

March 28th - 30th, 2024

HoosierMUN I

- Taking Indiana International -

All roads lead to Bloomington

A message from our Secretary-General:

Dear Delegates, Faculty Advisors, and Friends,

On behalf of our Secretariat, staff, and Indiana Model United Nations Organization, it is with great pleasure and pride that I invite you to join us for the first iteration of HoosierMUN. I am beyond excited to welcome you to our outstanding campus for an amazing simulation from March 28 to March 30, 2025. 

As one of the top competitive organizations on the US collegiate Model UN circuit, Indiana Model UN is proud to finally offer delegates from across America the opportunity to engage in an exciting weekend of debate on IU’s historic and picturesque campus. Over the course of the weekend, delegates will sharpen their debate and diplomacy skills while honing in on writing clear, concise, concrete, and compelling policy frameworks and program initiatives. With this being our first iteration, we are excited to bring all delegates a new, fresh, and unique competitive experience on the MUN circuit. With the theme “Indiana Gone International” we have numerous dynamic, fast-paced, and intriguing committees, all of which tie to our great state. Whether it be debating some of the world’s most pressing international issues and crises in our GA committees, or tackling the wacky politics of local government, delegates of all skill levels, experience, and interest will find an engaging committee at HoosierMUN. 

We are eager to display all of our hard work, commitment, and highly-researched committees run by some of the most passionate and knowledgable Model UN delegates on the circuit. Our greatest strength is the dedication our amazing staff has taken to creating some of the most in-depth committees through countless hours of research, independent projects, and interviews with real-world subject matter experts and leaders. From discussing and debating pressing issues of medical preparedness in the WHO to establishing an entire new sports event and league in the city of Speedway, HoosierMUN embodies what this activity is truly about: creating lifelong connections with other passionate people looking to solve real-world problems and to tell meaningful and powerful stories.

This tiny snapshot of HoosierMUN only reaches the surface of the exceptional experience, both substantively and socially, that delegates will get to experience at HoosierMUN. I encourage you to browse through our website to see all the committees and experiences offered at HosierMUN I, and please reach out if you have any questions.

As we approach this inaugural edition of HoosierMUN, we hope you will join us to help build a new legacy of Indiana Model UN this spring. On behalf of the entire staff, we look forward to all delegates getting the opportunity to experience true Hoosier hospitality on our historic campus. 

All The Best,

Dillon Burns 


HoosierMUN I